Our Blogs

CSC Blog
Our Christian Service Center Blog features news, information and spiritual information we feel is of interest to our members and visitors. As we are a member of the imperial-dam.com and rvhobo.net networks, we include links to stories and information we feel will be of interest to you such as solar energy for RVers, RV maintenance and repair, and information about the Imperial Dam LTVA that surrounds us. Check us out, you will be glad you did!
Imperial Dam Blog
The Imperial Dam Blog features stories about the Imperial Dam LTVA and living there. Like the small town newspapers of old, the Imperial Dam Blog features stories that will interest past, present and future residents to the LTVA, including the surrounding areas such as the Yuma Proving Grounds Army Base and Yuma itself. So when you want to know what’s happening at the Imperial Dam LTVA, there is only one place to go, imperial-dam.com.

RVHobo Network Blog
Think of the RVHobo Network as the definitive network news for RVers. When you want true stories about RVing written by those who’ve done it, or how-to articles by the Master Craftsman himself, they’re all here. Then there are articles about solar energy, water purification and communication, written by the person who literally wrote the book for the U.S. Forest Service. This is the only place to go. Save big money without sacrificing lifestyle while you’re boondocking. You can’t afford to miss this website!